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The film follows Ava, a young bank professional who is devastated when her husband Dallas abandons a marriage she is determined to fight for. But then fate intervenes, revealing Dallas’ wicked deeds that have trashed their marriage, and once upon a time sabotaged Ava’s destiny to be loved by her true soulmate 感情不是谁对你多好,而是看谁守你到老。对你好的人也许很多,守你到老的只有一个;你所爱的不一定选你,选你的人一定爱你。天冷时,谁叮嘱你别忘衣;生病时,谁守护你左右不离;劳累时,谁心疼你做东做西;出差时,谁惦念你电话频频。这就是爱人,相伴一生的人